Saturday, December 25, 2010

Mixtape #5.1: "Christmas Blues (side B)"

Hello there.  It's me again.  Another mixed bag of blues power and hoodoo mojo straight from Santa's sleigh for you.  The same mix of traditional and contemporary ballads of loss, regret, and selling one's soul to the devil.

I don't know about you lot, but christmas day for me has been an endless buffet of home cooking and action films.  Salt is good.  Really good.  Angelina Jolie is kicks positively ludicrous amounts of ass in a movie that feels equal parts Bourne Identity and Tom Clancy.  The Expendables is pretty much just a two hour orgy of violence and steroids.  So needless to say, it's been an interesting experience.  No white christmas this year.  Just rain.  And blood.  And turkey.

So what did you get this year??  Aside from an awesome collection of questionably legal free blues songs you found on some dude's blog, that is...  Me??  I got a new xbox controller that looks like it belongs to Darth Vader, some truly awesome books, and a pony.  Okay, granted, the pony is plush.  And  I got it for opening a new savings account at the bank the other day.  Still though, it's the thought that counts.  I've been asking for a pony for years, but mostly as a joke.  I never really thought anyone would take me seriously.  Also, I ordered some new glasses so I won't look like a god damn fool when I don't wear my contacts.

Evidently his name is Lightning.  Yeah, he's got a saddle, but I don't think I can ride it...
I've got some great advice posts I'm planning the coming days... weeks...  what the fuck ever.  I'll give you a hint:  it's not at all practical, but I hope it'll be good for a laugh, and it will most definitely make you cooler.  Not quite as cool as a polar bear's toenails, but cool enough to catch that not-so-subtle Outkast reference and give a knowing nod.
Polar bears:  cuddly, majestic, and unfuckwithable.  wait... holy shit, is he eating a whale??
Well, I'm running out of interesting words to type and I want to make sure this actually gets posted before midn-  Wait.  Hold the phone.  It is snowing.  And I have just been informed that this is the first time since records were first established that snow has been recorded and seen in Macon, Georgia on christmas day.  It really is a christmas miracle.  And on that note, it is time for me to take my leave so I may fatten myself up for the winter with plenty of Reese's pieces and cigarettes.

You stay classy, Denmark.

1) "Since I've Been Loving You" - Led Zeppelin
2) "Tombstone Blues" - Bob Dylan
3) "All Hands Against His Own" - the Black Keys
4) "Can't You Hear Me Knocking" - the Rolling Stones
5) "Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out" - Derek and the Dominoes
6) "Cocaine Blues (live at Folsom Prison)" - Johnny Cash
7) "Mistreating Queen" - Radio Moscow
8) "Death Letter Blues" - Son House
9) "Me and Bobby McGee" - Janis Joplin
10) "Catch Hell Blues" - the White Stripes
11) "Where Did You Sleep Last Night" - Huddy "Leadbelly" Ledbetter
12) "Cross Road Blues (take 2)" - Robert Johnson
13) "Hear My Train A Coming (live at the BBC)" - the Jimi Hendrix Experience

Friday, December 24, 2010

Mixtape #5: "Christmas Blues (side A)"

Hello, loyal readers!!  No, I have not forgotten you.  The past... span of time has been rather hectic and the world is ripe and full of upheaval.  I moved, I've been working, and I literally had to wrestle a bear in order to get internet properly connected and established at my new place of residence.  I promise that I have been (not so) hard at work trying to make it up to you for seemingly disappearing and leaving you dangling on a precipice of anxiety.  Man... that's a good phrase.  I better trademark that shit before anyone steals it from me.  Violence will befall you if you steal my phrases from me.  That's not a threat, just sayin' is all.

Anyway, I'll tell you some cool stories about what's been going on (if I feel like it) later.  Right now, I have a super surprise for you.

As you may or may not have realized, the holiday season is upon us.  Personally, it snuck right the fuck up on me.  Which is okay, because I kind of hate loathe christmas music and most christmas movies (Grinch & Christmas Story aside, that is).  It's really the commercialization and all that nonsense more than anything. I mean, I like getting presents and all that, don't get me wrong.  Hell, I even like giving them.  But since I'm not any good at being a secret computer hacker and I can't individually track every single person who's read, visited, or said nice things about my blog, I'm going to just give you all one really awesome blanket present.  Today, loyal reader, I give you the gift of the blues.  Special limited edition double mixtape featuring 26 of my favorite blues traditionals, improvisations, and modernizations from an assortment of artists, thieves, murderers, and other various undesirables.

Now, I wanted to use a pretty loose interpretation of what the blues actually was here, so we've got a seriously awesome mixed bag of goodies.  Every decade from the 20's to the 00's is represented between side A and side B (which you'll have to wait for until tomorrow.  come on now, I can't spoil christmas for you completely...).  80+ years of traditional spirituals, blues folk, slide guitar, and electric church, every ounce of it extra dirty, a little mean, and double-plus good.  And if you don't agree that every one of these songs is 100% blues, feel free to engage me in a fruitless argument in the comments section.

So if you get done singing christmas carols and you've got a snarl on your face, or you wake up tomorrow morning and find a lump of coal in your stocking, then download some of this goodness on your new computer, listen to it on your new ipod, and then go write a song on your new guitar about how much your new christmas sweater blows.  If this shit doesn't wipe away your christmas blues, then I'll give you a 100% money back guarantee.  Just pay the postage and handling.

Run with it.  And you better enjoy it, because there's plenty more where this came from.

1) I Can't Quit You, Baby (live at the BBC) - Led Zeppelin
2) Baby, It's You - Smith
3) In My Time Of Dyin' - Bob Dylan
4) Sweet Home Chicago - Robert Johnson
5) Dying Crapshooter's Blues - Blind Willie McTell
6) Nobody But You - the Black Keys
7) The Weight - the Band
8) Dust My Broom - Elmore James
9) John the Revelator - Son House
10) I Fought Piranhas - the White Stripes
11) Red House - the Jimi Hendrix Experience
12) Staggolee - Mississippi John Hurt
13) The Ballad of Curtis Loew - Lynyrd Skynyrd

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wolves are cooler than tigers.

Hey everybody.  It's nearly 3am, and I've got to get up early tomorrow to move.  Oh joy.  The new place is actually probably less than a mile away from here and definitely much easier to get to and direct folks to, so maybe that's a plus.  Bigger bedroom, bigger bathroom, much more closet space, better view.  Super plus??  Perhaps.  Tiny kitchen.  Yuck.  Speaking of yuck, there is a band called Yuck.  They're actually pretty good, and you can download a lot of their songs for free from their blog.  DIY music at it's finest.  And that's a great band name, is it not??  Really grabs your attention.  Hey, and speaking of band names, you know, there are a lot of bands with animals in their name.  Think about it.  Frog Eyes, Band of Horses, Minus the Bear, Tiger Army, Wolfmother, Wolf Parade, Wolves in the Throne Room...

Hmm... a lot of wolves there.  "Why could that be??" you may find yourself asking.  Well lucky for you, I will tell you.  It is because wolves are awesome.  That's a fact.  Most people seem to be either dog or cat people, and yes, I know that's a gross over-generalization, but it just kind of works out that way.  This can be extrapolated to a much grander and more epic scale.  You're either a wolf person or you're a tiger person.  Unfortunately, in this day and age, both of those animals are pretty much endangered, and that's pretty sad, cause I think they're both inarguably awesome.  However, thanks to the wonders of the National Geographic Channel, I may have been converted fully to the wolf pack.

I just watched what happened to be a totally bitchin' documentary about a wolf.  This wolf has a pretty unfortunate name.  Black Wolf.  Believe it or not, for the wolves living in Yellowstone, that's a hell of a lot more creative than most of their names ever get.  However, living where he did and being a wolf meant Black Wolf was kind of a big deal.  Almost all of these wolves have collars and are tracked and studied exhaustively, and Black Wolf was no exception.  Early in his life, it became clear that he was no ordinary wolf, however, and they started filming his ass a lot.  He lived almost double the life expectancy of other wolves in Yellowstone, fathered almost 30 cubs that survived to adulthood, killed literally hundreds of elk, caribou, and coyotes, and eventually became the alpha wolf of one of the largest packs in the vast park. And for most of his life, he actually lived as an outcast, a lone wolf never completely accepted into a pack.  That's just epic.  I mean, that's the kind of shit Disney might make an animated film about.  It would probably suck and have way less violence and all that, but still, it's not a bad idea (note to self: market this before Disney can).

Look at this badass wolf just lookin' all majestic and awesome and... covered in blood.

I don't know if you're aware of this, but I actually have a velvet painting of a wolf.  Until now, I kept it just because it was kind of interesting and kitsch and was given to me, but all of the sudden, it just feels a little more awesome.

And speaking of awesome, let me show you another awesome thing that I have been made aware of.

What is this.  I don't even.

Boom.  This thing.  What the fuck is that about??  A friend showed this to me joking about how awesome it would be to get one for christmas.  Personally, I laughed aloud.  It's good for a joke, but that's about it. I don't like knit hats and I'm perfectly capable of growing an amazing beard without having to substitute a fake one to keep my face warm.  This almost seems like a cop out.  I am disappointed in you, world.

And speaking of things that disappoint me, let us address the subject of Four Loko.

Last night, I ventured to the gas station to acquire a fresh pack of cigarettes.  Not an uncommon occurrence.  However, on this particular evening, I got to feeling bold.  I wanted a beverage.  So I went to the back and there was the obvious answer, staring right the fuck back at me.  Four Loko.  23.5 fluid ounces of hell.  This is a beverage which has been outlawed in several states.  They're trying to make it so you can't get this shit.  I have literally heard nothing but negative comments about it, it's taste, and the things it does to the human body (unless you count "it'll get you drunk" as a positive comment).  So my wallet $8 lighter, pack of Marlboros and Four Loko in hand, I triumphantly exit.  After all I'd heard about the watermelon flavor, I opted for fruit punch, hoping it would be less offensive to my tongue.

I pop the top and take a nice, long swig, and... I don't see what all the fuss is about.  It's not so bad.  I take another slurp.  Sure, it's not the best thing I've ever had, but I paid all of $2.34 for nearly 3 cups of this stuff.  I mean, I did the math, one can of this stuff is like the equivalent of 6 glasses of wine and 2 red bulls.  Literally.  That is not an exaggeration.  That simply cannot be good for you.  Another couple of sips and suddenly, I'm not feeling it.  I decided the taste could politely be described as "slightly off-tasting, possibly tainted, metallic Hawaiian Punch", but with an after taste of stale turpentine and iron shavings.

You stay classy America.

Seriously though, don't bother.  No, I don't think you're getting it.  Don't drink Four Loko.  Unless, you know, you're really cheap, your taste buds don't work, or you really want to get wasted.  Though I was pleasantly surprised at the buzz I was able to catch from just one can, I wonder if it was really worth my dignity.

Anyway kiddos, it's bed time now.  I've got shit to do tomorrow and I'm not sure how quickly internet will be up and running at the new place.  Plus, I really don't even want to think about how tired and worn out I'm going to be in less than 24 hours time and I might not even want to blog again for a few days.  This might suck a little bit.

EDIT:  I bet that's the first time anyone has ever labeled a post with both Disney and Four Loko...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mix #4 - "I Ain't No Bunny Rabbit"

Last night, I got the great idea that maybe one of these mixes coming up soon should be some serious blues.  I can't escape it.  Maybe it's the Mississippi in me coming out, but every now and then, I just absolutely have to hear and play some blues.  The dirtier, the better.  I think you fine folks could stand to be educated about the blues.  Maybe I'll get to working on that...

Also, I totally ripped the title of this one from a sample an artist I've recently been turned on to used.  I am, of course, talking about dub-step.  Lesson learned.  Dub-step is not what I thought it was.  It is soooooo much better.  I am officially converted.  This shit is my jam.  75 minutes of non-stop insanity that just goes and goes and goes.  More samples than you can shake a stick at and more funk than you know what to do with.  Lacerated Wax.  "Exit Wounds".  Look it up and learn something about yourself.

Sorry this didn't get uploaded yesterday.  For some reason my site I use to host these wouldn't load yesterday and I couldn't get the music to the middle man in order to get it to you.  Technology failed me.  Without further interruption, here you go.

01 - "When I'm With You" - Best Coast
02 - "You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb" - Spoon
03 - "Wolf Like Me" - TV on the Radio
04 - "Off the Record" - My Morning Jacket
05 - "Dead Disco" - Metric
06 - "Kiss Kiss" - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
07 - "California" - Mates of State
08 - "White Knuckles" - Ok Go
09 - "Swimmers" - Broken Social Scene
10 - "Fake Palindromes" - Andrew Bird
11 - "Mistaken for Strangers" - The National
12 - "The General Specific" - Band of Horses
13 - "Ready to Start" - Arcade Fire
14 - "Slow Hands" - Interpol
15 - "There There" - Radiohead

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cowboys are the new Pirates, or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Shitty Economy

So I was gonna write a post about movies and how cowboys have replaced pirates as the go-to models for cinema and media, but I decided it just wasn't interesting enough.  So instead, we're gonna get slightly serious.

It's no secret that the economy is suck right now.  I don't know about you folks, but I spent literally months basically completely unemployed, vigorously looking for a job before I found one.  Over the past two years, I've read studies about how unemployment, depression, suicide, and divorce rates have all hit all-time highs, then gone up, up, and up some more.  Some people have been unemployed for over a year and a half at this point, and for the first time in American history, more than half of all marriages are ending in divorce, and adultery is on the rise.

When stressed, we tend to go into a very selfish survival mode.  Psychologically speaking, when people are under this stress, the body produces the hormone cortisol to help better manage it.  However, prolonged exposure to cortisol has an interesting side effect: increased irrational fear and anxiety.  So people are losing their jobs, their places to live, and their relationships are failing because of it all.

So I have a little bit of a theory about how to correct this.  I know we're all broke right now and a lot of us don't have jobs and even more of us are single.  So what??  That doesn't mean we should sit around freaking out all bored, lonely, and depressed.  Flirt.  Go on a picnic in the park.  Split a six pack and watch a dvd together.  A cheap date can still be fun and romantic, and studies have shown that people with healthy sex lives are happier in their day to day.  And let's all be a little more civil to one another too, while we're at it.  You're gonna feel better for doing something nice and they're going to feel better because you weren't a jerk.  Just think of it like it's the zombie apocalypse.  I know you want to think of yourself and put your own needs first, but the only way out of this in one piece is if we all work together.

And if getting laid and having a little companionship doesn't make you feel better, then just got to Cute Overload or something.  If that doesn't put you in a good mood, then you have no soul and you hate fun.

The End.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mixtape #3 - "Rainy Day Woman"

No one ever accused me of getting everything done on time or staying free from distractions, but the past several days have really dragged me away from here.  So sorry for that.  I'm sure I'm leaving dozens of you hanging on in anticipation, waiting, wondering what's coming next.  Can you detect the note of sarcasm??  Family for the holiday and I just got a new job!!  Say hello the the newest member of the Advance Auto Parts team (in other car-related news, Forza 3 Ultimate pretty much rules).  Aside from that, I'll go on and use the piss poor excuse that I had a post typed up yesterday and then the power went out.  True story.

Anyway, Thanksgiving has come and gone and we are now into the ever-lengthening, ever more commercial holiday season of Christmas.  Truth be told, it makes me sick.  But that's entirely besides the point.  I may just be feeling that because it's been raining all day today.  And yesterday.  And the day before that.  I know the mixtape is a little late, but shit, how about I just agree to try and post one per week rather than every monday??  I don't do well with deadlines.  Fuck it.  You'll probably get one monday.  Let me just say that.  Fresh mixtapes every monday... usually.  Maybe even most of the time.

So I actually ended up making 3 different mixes.  One for me, one for you, and one for someone else.  Of those three, I ended up combining bits and pieces from each to make something different entirely.  I'm sure you'll notice a bit of a theme in most of the songs.  Can you tell what kind of mood I've been in??  If you guessed vaguely sad, nostalgic, and contemplative, you guessed right.  I don't know what it is about a good storm that makes me want to ignore my health, stand in the rain, and slowly enjoy a cigarette as I get lost in thought.  And as we've previously discussed, our music is the soundtrack to our lives, and I found myself thinking about that soundtrack these past few days.  I wanted the songs to say something about the mood I've been in, but be relatively relatable.  Man, those two words have a lot of the same letters...  I promise I'll post again soon.  Probably tomorrow.  I have a few funny stories and observations for you to enjoy, so you've got something to look forward to.

What follows is a collection of songs that are perfect for a rainy fall day.  I hope you like them.

01 - Act of the Apostle - God Help the Girl
02 - For the Price of a Cup of Tea - Belle & Sebastian
03 - Sweet Child o' Mine - Taken By Trees
04 - Tonight - Stars
05 - Capturing Moods - Rilo Kiley
06 - Nineteen - Tegan & Sara
07 - Everything With You - The Pains of Being Pure At Heart
08 - Jen is Bringin' the Drugs - Margot & the Nuclear So-and-So's
09 - One Two Three Four - Feist
10 - Such Great Heights - Iron and Wine
11 - Norway - Beach House
12 - Moths - This Is The Kit
13 - Street Spirit (Fade Out) - Radiohead
14 - I Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab For Cutie